Wednesday 27 April 2011

The warm conditions and southerly airflow have been incredibly pleasant and have seen a few birds turn up. Two highlights from yesterday were a Black-bellied Dipper found by Will in Hjukni Geo (which I managed to miss - hopefuly it'll reappear in Wirvie or the Gully in the next couple of days) and Jane turning up her second large raptor in consecutive days with a fine ringtail Hen Harrier. It was three in a row today when an Osprey headed north over the island (although this one was picked up by Rob in the south of the island). What are the odds on Marsh Harrier tomorrow?
Although we await the employment of a Cook, we are up to full strength staff now, with Carrie the Ranger returning for her second season and already transforming the chaos in  the Visitor Centre. A few of the ladies are off to knitting classes (Chat Club as the men of the island seem to refer to it) tonight and I'm the chauffeur, so I'd best be off.


  1. Its been raptor crazy on the Farnes as well, with Marsh Harrier and two Ospreys - so glad to see you boys are cashing in. However would love a Dipper out here - Parners you seen it yet?


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